Born 1/30/51, Manhattan, 120 W 105th Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus, on border of Spanish Harlem. Elementary school at Columbia Grammar. Trump’s youngest son went there for a while!
Moved to Cranbury, NJ, summer 1960, near Princeton and nearer where Martians landed (Grover’s Mills) in 1938. Now had TV from NY and Philly, 9 stations, not counting UHF stations, which showed Big 5 basketball and the Phillies.
Back to NYC for college at Columbia, 114th to 120th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam, (one block closer to the Hudson than 120 W. 105th St.) on border of Morningside Heights. History major. Overlapped with Bill Barr and Eric Holder, two future AGs. This was long before Barack Obama went there, but long after Alexander Hamilton.
How to get to LA for law school at UCLA? Turns out that if you are a company with offices far apart and want to get your company car from one office to the other, there are agencies that find you a driver. Drove from NYC to Torrance, south of LA, to deliver car to Taco Bell headquarters. Had never heard of Taco Bell. Surprised, when he got there, to discover a Mexican fast food company. Thought, driving across USA, that Taco Bell was name of the Southern California phone company.
Thus began relationship with Taco Bell. During law school, subsisted on Encherito Fiesta Plate (refried beans, Mexican rice, a nice little salad, and, of course, an encherito, all for about $2). It’s not on the menu anymore. Never sure what it really was. And Tony really loves their hard shell tacos, looks for them whenever he travels. An aside – did you know that Juneau was once home to the world’s largest, by square footage, Taco Bell restaurant? It is now Asiana Gardens.
If your friends or relatives visit this summer and they tire of fishing, hiking, and going to the glacier, take them to see what used to be, by square footage, the world’s largest Taco Bell restaurant.
Anyway, from LA to Ketchikan to, in 1977, Juneau. Worked as lawyer. Another aside – when he was Juneau’s US Marshall, Bert Faulkner, later of Faulkner Banfield, arrested Robert Stroud for murder. He later became the Birdman of Alcatraz, played by Burt Lancaster. While we’re at it, the first law passed by the Territorial Legislature was Women’s Suffrage. The first law passed by the State Legislature was setting their own salaries.
Joined JAMHI Board circa 2005. Why? Its mission. JAMHI really does help people, especially the vulnerable, live their best lives. What could be better than that?